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Diskuzní fórum:Letecká doprava, zajímavosti a odborné rozbory nehod -

Diskuzní fórum

Provozovatel stránek neodpovídá za obsah uveřejněných příspěvků. Vyzýváme tímto všechny uživatele fóra, aby své příspěvky situovali k určitému tématu a vyhýbali se především rasovým a etnickým urážkám, dále nehodnotili vyznání víry a své komentáře koncipovali v rámcích slušného vyjadřování. Zároveň diskusní fórum neslouží k šíření pomluv, které mají osobní ráz a zjevně nesouvisejí s tématem stránek. Za pochopení a dodržování pravidel vám děkuje redakce. Nevhodné příspěvky mohou být odstraněny administrátory.
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18. září 2023 v 10:46
Connections Puzzle Game is a popular word association puzzle game in the Connections Wordle Game, you'll be given a total of 16 words. Your task is to create groups of 4 words each, so you end up with 4 groups in total. Each group should have 4 words that are somehow connected to each other.
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16. září 2023 v 15:23
Connections Puzzle Game is a popular word association puzzle game In the Connections Wordle Game, you'll be given a total of 16 words. Your task is to create groups of 4 words each, so you end up with 4 groups in total. Each group should have 4 words that are somehow connected to each other.
14. září 2023 v 11:37
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Wordle 2 is an updated version of the popular word puzzle game called "Wordle." The word-guessing game challenges players to guess a hidden five-letter word within six attempts. Here's how to play Wordle 2:
14. září 2023 v 10:05
In a world flooded with digital distractions, word puzzles have resurfaced as a source of both entertainment and intellectual stimulation. One particular word puzzle that has taken the internet by storm is the "NYT Wordle." In this article, we'll dive into the phenomenon that is NYT Wordle, explore its appeal, and unravel the secrets behind its addictive nature.

The Rise of NYT Wordle
NYT Wordle, short for New York Times Wordle, is an online word puzzle game that has gained immense popularity in recent times. It was first introduced by Jonathan Feinberg in 2008, but it experienced a resurgence in 2021, becoming a household name among word puzzle enthusiasts.
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6. září 2023 v 13:34
Ways to Fix QuickBooks Abort Error
Many QuickBooks users have landed in a peculiar network related issue wherein while performing their accounting tasks involving the multi-user environment, they suddenly witness a sudden crashing of QuickBooks, along with the error message “Problem: The connection to the company file has been lost”. This technical issue is also called QuickBooks Abort Error as it leads to a sudden crashing of QuickBooks.

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1. září 2023 v 10:05
We travelled around the world to learn the history of leather jackets or sheepskin apparel that used to be worn in ancient times. As we got to know its real essence, we got inspired to start up our own company called American Jacket Store which can differ in quality and manufacturing.
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28. srpna 2023 v 11:01
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28. srpna 2023 v 10:46
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